Privacy Policy

If you are a California resident, please see our California Privacy Statement, which supplements this Privacy Policy.

Welcome to the PetLuv Privacy Policy (“Policy”). PetLuv values the privacy of our users. Therefore, this privacy policy explains in detail how we store, use and protect the information we collect when you visit and use our application. Read this privacy policy completely. Please refrain from visiting the App if the terms outlined below are not satisfactory to you. It is also advisable to read this policy in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions.

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time and will list these changes in the updates section of the policy. By reading this notice and visiting the App, you agree that you understand that users will not be personally notified when this policy changes.

Therefore, we advise our customers to frequently review our privacy policy so that they remain aware of its updates. By using the site, you accept that the posted policy and all its changes apply to your interaction with PetLuv.

Who we are

The App is operated by “PetLuv” (also referred to in this policy as “we” or “us”).

We can be reached by emailing or by post at the following address: Flamingo Inc, 1820 W OrangeWood Ave, #104 Orange, CA 92868. Ph: +13414659642

1. Information Collected by PetLuv

When you download the App and create an account, we may collect certain personal information. This information includes:

Once you register, you will be able to review and change this information at any time just by logging in to the App, except your date of birth and location (is automatically updated if you give the App access to your location in your device settings).

It is your responsibility to ensure that your account details are kept up to date. If your phone number changes, please ensure that you update this in your account.

Registration Information such as your sexual preference, name and username may be visible to other Users who view your profile page.

2. How We Use This Information

Our main aim is to ensure your experience on PetLuv is an enjoyable one.

Our App may use the information collected to:

3. Information Disclosure

Normally, your information stays on our App. Our policy is to not disclose your information or personal data, except in the limited circumstances described herein.

We have listed the situations and circumstances that may require us to share the information we collect from you:

4. What Others May See About You

We have built certain features to enable other people see some of your information. Our App is designed to make it easier for you to connect with other Users and to interact with them.

When using the App, you should assume that anything you post or submit on the App may be publicly-viewable and accessible, both by Users and non-users of the App. We want our Users to be careful about posting information that may eventually be made public.

Please be careful about posting sensitive details about yourself on your profile such as your religious denomination and health details. You may also choose to add sensitive information about yourself such as your religion and political leanings. While you may voluntarily provide this information to us when you create your profile, including your sexual preferences, there is no requirement to do so. Please remember that photographs that you post on PetLuv may reveal information about yourself as well.

5. Our Policy towards Age

Although we want as many people as possible to enjoy our creation, you have to be at least 18 years old to use PetLuv.

PetLuv does not knowingly collect any information about or market to children, minors or anyone under the age of 18. If we become aware that a child, minor or anyone under the age of 18 has registered with us and provided us with personal information, we will take steps to terminate that person’s registration.

6. Trackers and Online Ads

We may use trackers, web beacons, and other technology to customize our App to improve your experience. We may customize the site using this information. These trackers do not have access to your personal information and can be removed from your browser options.

In addition, third-party software provides ads for our site for marketing campaigns. These programs have access to tracking technology to optimize your ad experience. The App will promote ads based on your data and activity as a user.

Website analytics may also be used to track users and remarket our App. We do not give these vendors access to your personal information.

7. Other Sites

Our App may contain links to third-party websites in the form of policies, ads, and other non affiliated links. Once you leave our site, we are no longer responsible for how your information is collected and disclosed. Please refer to the privacy policies of those third-party sites for more information.

8. Information Security

We take technical and administrative precautions to protect your data against loss, misuse and unauthorized access, or disclosure but we cannot guarantee its safety against all types of fraud or misuse.

We use reasonable security measures to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information such as secured servers using firewalls.

Unfortunately, no website or Internet transmission or App is ever completely 100% secure and even we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss or other breaches will never occur, but here are some handy tips to help keep your data secure:

If you ever think someone has had access to your password or Account, please report and change immediately. We cannot guarantee the security of your personal data while it is being transmitted to our site and any transmission is at your own risk.

9. Additional Options

At any time, you may opt to review or change your account settings, including contact information. If you wish to delete your account, you may do so to remove most of your information, however, some identifying information will be retained to prevent fraud. You may also opt-out of emails and other correspondence from our site at any time.

10. Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at:

Flamingo Inc, 1820 W OrangeWood Ave, #104 Orange, CA 92868

Ph: +13414659642